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Gratitude, Here and Now

At Athari Bio, part of the practice of being a human-first biotech company is the conscious act of not just studying what’s beneath the surface and at the genomic level, but also what is the sum of our parts, and those that may be especially untapped or intangible. An integral ingredient to our team’s ethos and of cultivating a culture of whole-person wellness is the act of being grateful here and now. Yes, there are challenges and we’re living in complicated times, but we’re also full of gratitude, and that in itself, the feeling of gratitude, can brighten even the darkest of November days. Yes, we’re a lean start-up that’s stepping up to tackle massive social and health inequities. We’re driven to create life-saving innovations through life sciences and being faced with obstacles and systemic barriers is just a matter of course. Through challenges, we vibrantly shine and feel immense gratitude for the diverse team that propels us and the increasing number of allies who are showing up to support our mission to strengthen communities, develop future leaders, and build generational wealth, health, and well-being through bioscience.

So, this Thanksgiving holiday, we reached out to our team to draw on their inspiration and co-author a little mini-Journal of Gratitude to pause and reflect upon. Here’s what they had to share:

“Gratitude is a sentiment that can be expressed at any time, for experiences large and small. Today and every day, I begin with a thankful heart because rain or shine, the day is mine—to make the most of. It brings me joy to know that I am blessed to be a blessing. I am so grateful for opportunities to help, heal, and honor.” – Susan Mitchell, CEO

“The old adage of feeling fortunate to ‘wake up each morning’ is true; I am grateful to be awestruck by my two small children as their eyes open to the world every single day. Simultaneously, I’m at a pivotal moment in my life and career where health and wellness are top of mind and close to my heart. It is causing a groundswell of creative energy to flow from me and I feel empowered to effect change.” – Jen Williams, Communications Director

What are you grateful for? Drop us a line or share on social. We’d love to hear.

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